Every now and then we, here at I LOVE OLD SCHOOL MUSIC, still get a little shocked by some of the detail we heard around here. We planned to do a lil’ diggin’ on DeVante Swing of Jodeci…and lo and behold, we discover a tidbit of shocking info. Scroll down to known which pop princess he was reportedly hookin’ up with…all we’ll say is she’s probably who you’d least expect…well, then again, maybe not…
Okay so, remember we said DeVante Swing’s reported former may, or may not be someone you’d least expect? Welp, here she is — Madonna. Turns out, that back in the day when they were both at the height of their careers, they had a thing going on, as per to Rolling Stone Magazine. Here’s an excerpt from a 1995 Rolling Stone article about the two alleged former lovebirds: IT’S A SWEATY FRIDAY Afternoon in Los Angeles.

DeVante, the lead producer of the singing group Jodeci and to many its main heartthrob, is leaning against a wall in the hallway of a local radio station. A strawberry blonde turns the corner and discovers herself just feet away from the 25-year-old tall, brown and handsome star. She playfully gasps like an awestruck fan. He replied with a cool, deep laugh. She walks up to him, says, “Hi, silly rabbit,” gathers herself up on her toes and kisses him noisily on the lips. Later, DeVante describes the woman as “one of the most beautiful people I know.” Her name, by the way, is Madonna.