Vocalist/actor, Tyrese Gibson, is sick n’ tired of being sick n’ tired, when it comes to what he says he’s been dealing with behind closed doors, as well as in the courtroom with his former-wife, Norma Mitchell Gibson. This go ’round, he has pulled no shorts with calling Norma out, and the allegations he’s spilling are serious.
In a long online post, Tyrese told it all and even added a link to his Google docs drive for all his fans to read his ongoing 176-page court documents for themselves, which he says are his “receipts” to back up his assertions.
So, what is he claiming his former and mom of his daughter, Norma, has been doing to him, you ask? A LOT, in addition alleged death threats and extortion attempts, says Tyrese.

He first began his statement by saying the fact that he is done with living in fear of speaking his truths and the backlash that may cause him:
Tyrese- I’ve got nothing to lose but my mind and my reputation… And neither one of these are no longer up for grabs..
I get it, I get it… We are living in the TIMES UP and ME TOO ERA! And as soon as a man goes public about the abuse and trauma inflicted on him by a women we are shamed into silence? I’m past that…Be yourself in my comments! STFU , MAN UP! Stop putting your personal sh*t out there on the timeline…. Be more private?

Did you tell my former to be more private in 2017 when her claims rocked my life, my career, my marriage and every chance imaginable that was in motion was killed instantly?
After a FULL TRIAL in 2017 with her testifying over 120 LIES was documented UNDER OATH…Did you shame her into silence? No! I’m done living my life in fear of what she might accuse me of next… I’m done with anyone having power over my life to make ALL THAT I HAVE BUILT crumble…. [ for those of you who will say “Cry me a river, you rich alpha MALE”…. That’s cool. – – Tyrese Gibson